Saturday, April 26, 2008

So this ad was asking me, "Want to fly to CANNES with Spike Lee?"  And I was like, do I have to sit with him?  I mean, I'm sure he's a nice guy, but that's a really long flight to take with Spike Lee. What are we going to talk about?  I mean, does he really want to hear about how my sister's doing, or about my worries of finding a job in the future, not to mention my concern about that mole on my back?

No, all we're going to talk about is all of the amazing movies he's made, and how amazing that scene is from such and such a movie, and what's it like to work with Denzel?  He's a normal guy? Really!!?
So, you see, shouldn't the real question be: 

Mad blunts? Hmmm.... Yes, that I might do - at least then I might be able to connect that mole on my back to some question of gender and race identity in a supposedly post-race America.

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