Saturday, April 19, 2008

Boredom is a self-inflicted disease

For anyone that has every made something that, at the time, seemed clever, witty, original, whatever; for anyone that has created only to realize the next day, or week, or month, that what they made was actually pretty stupid, embarasing, waste of time: it is for they that I present this document:

My first foray into the You Tube world of silly shorts resulted in this lackluster snooze fest.  So what have I learned?  Well, that being funny probably requires a little more thought before jumping into creation.  Also, that my room is a real shit pigpen.

Do I see any value?  I would like to do more work that makes fun of myself.  It seems to have an edifying effect: I now take showers more often (joke or reality?  You decide.)

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